
Showing posts from May, 2018

Summer Therapy or Summer Break?

Every year at about this time I hear the same question - "Should I keep coming to therapy during the summer or take a break?" I get it.  By the time we roll around to the end of the school year and are experiencing the end-of-year May activities, a break sounds really good.  Here are some things to think about. Do I need a break from everything, or just a break from the daily routine?   While you take a break from school can you still continue to devote a few hours a week to language or reading therapy?  Chances are that your child isn't tired of learning.  They're more tired of the daily grind.  If you are taking a much needed break from the schooling routine, consider whether you can still squeeze in an hour or two of therapy. Can we take a small break and feel refreshed, or do we need the extended break? If you want to take a break, consider taking two weeks off instead of the entire summer.  Think about that winter break you get around Christmas.  I